Cape Town based, five-piece symphonic indie-rock band, Al Bairre, will be joining the Zip Zap Circus on Friday June 10 and Saturday June 11.
The performances will see the group – known for their combination of cello, violins, guitars, ukeleles and drums – joining the circus school’s performers for an event that promises intricately timed choreography of high-flying circus acts complementing the group’s “ice-cream of orchestral sounds”.
CARL COLLISON caught up with the group’s Kyle Davis for a peek into what the collaborative show has to offer.
You guys are currently in Europe. How is the tour going so far?
It’s going amazingly. We’re performing in the most gorgeous countries and staying in the nicest spots, so we’re very happy right now. All the shows have been off the charts, too.
How did the collaboration with Zip Zap Circus School come about?
They approached us a while back and asked if we would be keen to do a little collaboration. We have been wanting to do something like this for ages, so we immediately said, “Yes, please”.
Once we started planning the whole thing and saw what could be done, it turned into a rather big collaboration. Now it’s going to blow people’s minds. It blows ours every time we have a practise session.
How does your sound complement the circus school’s acts?
Our songs make you want to move – and that’s one thing the Zip Zap Circus knows how to do.
However, their “moves” are moves that I – up until I saw them – was sure nobody could possibly do. But they do them – 12ft in the air or inside a massive hoop or on a tight rope. It’s gnarly. You’ve just gotta see it.
What, in your view, makes this a unique show? What can people expect from it?
The show is going to be an Al Bairre show, but times 1 000. People are going to be able to come watch us perform, except this time there are going to be either acrobats, trapeze artists, ribbon acts, wheel acts or jugglers joining us – above us, between us, around us, everywhere.
Every single act is set to a certain song of ours. So you’re getting the classic Al Bairre concert you have come to love, plus the most talented circus acts you’ve ever seen, performing to our songs at the exact same time we’re playing them. It’s actually too much to handle. Nobody is going to even be watching us (laughs).
Anything else you’d like to add?
The shows are for all ages. So, if you have a little cousin or sibling who loves the circus – as well as Al Bairre – then bring them along. If you have a granny or grandpa who hates clubs, but loves the circus and live music, then put them in the car and come and show them a good time.
Of course, if you just want to watch an Al Bairre concert on steroids, then this is the time.
* The Al Bairre and Zip Zap Circus shows will take place at the Zip Zap Circus Dome, behind the Artscape Theatre, tomorrow, Friday June 10, and Saturday June 11, from 6pm. Tickets cost R160 and can be bought at the door or booked online at
For more information, call 021 421 8622 or visit