The Lilliput Children’s Theatre Company will be performing The Ugly Duckling and Other Stories, at the Nassau Theatre, on the grounds of Groote Schuur High School, in Palmyra Road, Newlands, during the April school holidays, from Saturday April 8 to Saturday April 15, at 10.30am. Based on the stories of Hans Christian Andersen, this classic fairytale with a modern twist is adapted and directed by Elton John Duffy. It includes popular songs from Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, One Direction, Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor. This production stars Desle McConney, Ameera Juta, Sinead Donnelly and Mr Duffy. For more information visit are R75 and can be booked through Computicket. For details or block bookings, call Elton at 083 364 8284 or 021 558 2650 or email