The office of the auditor-general handed Artscape Theatre its clean audit trophy at a ceremony earlier this month.
This was in recognition of its clean audit findings for the 2015/2016 financial year.
The award followed three previous clean audits by the auditor-general. The event was attended by all Artscape staff, a selection of key stakeholders and representatives of the office of the auditor-general in the Western Cape. Presenting the award on behalf of the office of the auditor-general, Sharome Adams of the Western Cape office, noted that clean audits remain rare within the South African government and state-owned entities landscape.
“Only about 10 to 20% of institutions receive clean audits,” said Ms Adams, adding that only a handful receive this finding consistently.
In her address to staff, the Artscape CEO, Marlene le Roux dedicated the award to all employees. “It is only through your dedication and fiduciary obligation as government employees that this clean audit finding, once again, could be realised,” she said.
At the release of the audit results of national and provincial governments over the past three years, Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu said it was encouraging that the number clean audits had increased overall from 122 in 2013/14 to 152 in 2015/16. Nevertheless, he said that
13 departments and 19 public entities that had performed well previously, lost their clean audit status in 2015/16.
This was offset by nine departments and 39 public entities that obtained their clean audits for the 2015/16 financial year.