Sadia Hartle, Faried Swartz and Shannon Lewis Johns will perform in a Mother’s Day show on Sunday May 14 at the Milnerton Methodist Hall, corner of Ascot Road and Erica Street, Milnerton, from 3pm to 6pm. “The show promises to be an afternoon of music, joy and laughter as we celebrate all our mothers. It is our first Mother’s Day show since lockdown and our first since we lost our dear Alvon Collison. We are honoured to carry on his tradition,” says Faried. They will perform songs including She, Mother of Mine, Ave Maria, The Wind Beneath My Wings, My Yiddishe Mamma, Because You Loved Me, For Mama, and River Deep Mountain High. Tickets cost R150 and includes tea, coffee and Faried’s mother Koelsum’s famous koesiesters. Call 063 642 3817 to book.